Official Website Of

Liya Jasmay
Fashion (Editorial) Model

Fashion Trends

Liya Jasmay is one of top Pakistani female models who are working to set trends within the Pakistani fashion industry. Liya Jasmay is well known for her classy and sophisticated style.

Best Model Award

Liya Jasmay has won many awards including the Best Tutorial Model Award from online International platform design by ANMA (USA) for Best Female Model in 2024.

Let us look at Liya Jasmay in the Fashion World!

Liya Jasmay is a Promotional model known as promo model or Brand Ambassadors. She generally works on assignments by consumer-driven brands. She will be part of promotional events, trade shows, digital launches, live shows, and conventions.

When it comes to style, Liya Jasmay is always ahead of the curve.

“Bringing a whole new meaning to the term model behavior – Liya Jasmay does it with flair and style 💁‍♀️✨”

Liya Jasmay's Few Clicks

Promoting products like a boss with Liya Jasmay at the helm 👑